Online Resources and Fact Sheets
There are many reputable organizations that provide useful information about smart meters. Here are a few:
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Radio Frequency Safety*
Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OHSA)
Radio Frequency and Microwave Radiation*
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
EMF (Electric and Magnetic Fields)*
World Health Organization (WHO)
Electromagnetic fields and public health*
Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
Resources for understanding the modern grid*
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
A Perspective on Radio-Frequency Exposure Associated With Residential Automatic Meter Reading Technology*
Smart Grid Consumer Coll
Consumer Resource Center*
Radio Frequency Resource Center*
Testimony of Dr. Peter A. Valberg
Dr. Peter A. Valberg analyzes the health effects of RF exposure from smart meters. He concluded that RF from smart meters do not present a hazard to health.*
Fact Sheets:
- General Overview Fact Sheet
- Fact Sheet on Security and Privacy
- Fact Sheet on Accuracy
- Fact Sheet on Radio Frequency
- Fact Sheet on Detailed Energy Information