Search for Assistance Programs
Pennsylvania Customer Assistance Program (PCAP)
PCAP, administered by Dollar Energy Fund, helps residential customers maintain electric service and eliminate their past-due balance by offering a reduced bill that is based on a percentage of income and debt forgiveness.
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, hours have been temporarily changed to Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm. Online applications may be submitted 24/7 at*.
Program Availability: Open year-round
- Dollar Energy Fund 1-888-282-6816
- Dollar Energy MyApp Portal*
More Information: PCAP Application Information
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through its network of local county assistance offices. LIHEAP Cash provides a cash payment directly to the utility, which is applied toward bill reduction if certain guidelines are met. Applications for the program are accepted through the PA Compass online tool.
Program Availability: Typically opens November 1 and remains open through early April or until funds are exhausted.
Contact: LIHEAP Hotline 1-866-857-7095
More Information:
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Crisis (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through its network of local county assistance offices. LIHEAP Crisis provides a grant to help customers avoid having their electric service terminated because of over-due bills. This grant also can be used to restore service that was shut off during the winter months. Applicants must apply in-person at their local assistance office and provide a copy of their shut off notice or proof of termination.
Program Availability: Typically opens November 1 and remains open through early April or until funds are exhausted.
Contact: LIHEAP Hotline 1-866-857-7095
More Information: Local County Assistance Office
Dollar Energy Fund
The Dollar Energy Fund is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help paying their electric bill.
Program Availability: Opens October 1 and remains open until funds are exhausted
Contact: 1-800-683-7036
More Information:
WARM Program - Low Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP)
The WARM Program can help customers lower their electric bill and keep their home more comfortable all year round. No payment is required for these services.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: 1-800-207-9276
More Information: WARM Application
Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy (OPAE) Fuel Fund
The OPAE Fuel Fund provides financial assistance to eligible low- to moderate-income customers to help pay their electric bills. Customers must apply for the HEAP or HEAP Crisis program, if available. To be eligible, customers may apply at their local HEAP provider.
Program Availability: Opens March 1 and remains open until funds are exhausted
Contact: HEAP at 1(800) 282-0880
More Information:
Community Outreach Opportunity Program (CO-OP) - Cleveland Salvation Army
CO-OP, administered by the Cleveland Salvation Army, is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help paying their electric bills.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Cleveland Salvation Army at (216) 861-8185
Project REACH
Project REACH, administered by the Salvation Army, is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help paying their electric bill.
Program Availability: Open year-round
More Information:
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Neighbors Helping Neighbors administered by the Toledo Salvation Army, is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help paying their electric bill.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Toledo Salvation Army Information (419) 241-3549
Appointments: Toledo Salvation Army Appointments (419) 241-2294
(Appointment line opens at 8:30 am MONDAYS ONLY until appointments are exhausted.)
Ohio Fuel Fund Grant Program
The Ohio Fuel Fund Grant Program, administered by the CHN Housing Partners and the Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland, is designed to assist residential customers with the payment of their electric bill to maintain their service, or to assist in establishing new service for applicants who have an unpaid bill from a previous residence.
Program Availability: Open year-round or until funds are exhausted
Contacts: CHN Housing Partners 216-912-2211 or 216-518-4014, or Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland 216-263-6266 or 216-518-4014
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the Ohio Department Service Agency (ODSA) through a network of energy assistance providers. HEAP provides customers help with paying winter heating bills, and occasionally summer cooling bills.
Contact: Ohio Department of Development at 1-800-282-0880
More Information:
Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Emergency HEAP provides an emergency payment (once per heating season) for qualified low-income customers. The payment must be used to avoid a shutoff or restore electric service. Applicants must apply in-person at their local HEAP agency.
Summer Crisis is opening July 1st and will run through September 30th.
The Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program provides a one-time benefit to eligible Ohioans with cooling assistance during the summer months. Applications must be submitted in person. Please visit for program information and documentation requirements. Households must meet at least one of the following conditions:
- Age 60 and Over
- A Documented Medical Condition
- A Disconnection, Termination or Transfer of Services or a COVID-19 Diagnosis
Contact: Ohio Department of Development at 1-800-282-0880
More Information:
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)
The Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) provides eligible Ohioans with assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their energy costs.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Ohio Department of Development at 1-800-282-0880
More Information:
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded grant program that helps low-income customers pay the cost of heating their homes.
Program Availability: Typically open November 1 through early April or until funds have been exhausted
Contact: Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance Hotline 1-800-342-3009
More Information:
Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The HEAP Emergency Benefit assists low-income New Yorkers who are facing a heat or heat-related energy emergency and do not have resources available to resolve the emergency. Applicants must contact the local district for assistance.
Program Availability: Typically open January 2 through early April or until funds have been exhausted
Contact: Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance Hotline 1-800-342-3009
More Information: Local District Finder
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the State of New Jersey Department of Human Services through a network of local community-based organizations. HEAP provides customers help with paying winter heating bills, and occasionally summer cooling bills.
Program Availability: Typically open October 1 - July 31
Contact: Contact NJ211 by dialing 2-1-1
More Information:
Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The HEAP Emergency Program provides a grant to help avoid the shut-off of electric service as a result of over-due bills. This grant also can be used to restore service that has already been shut-off during the winter months. Applicants must provide a copy of their shut-off notice or proof of termination.
Program Availability: Typically open March 15 - July 31
Contact: HEAP Hotline 1-800-510-3102
More Information: Agency Finder
New Jersey Statewide Heating Assistance and Referral for Energy Services (New Jersey SHARES)
New Jersey SHARES is a non-profit corporation organized to help individuals and families who have no other means of assistance, by providing temporary help paying their energy bills.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: NJ Shares Energy Assistance Hotline 1-866-657-4273
More Information: Agency Finder
Payment Assistance for Gas & Electric (PAGE)
UPDATED - Eligibility Requirements
PAGE is an annual assistance program designed to help low- to moderate-income households across the state of New Jersey. PAGE benefits homeowners and renters who are New Jersey residents that have an electric and/or gas account that is any of the following :
- Currently past due
- Received a disconnection notice
- Disconnected
Minimum account balance must be $100. Grant can be applied to a security deposit. Customers with zero or low income are encouraged to apply for the Universal Service Fund (USF) or Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) in addition to the PAGE grant.
Program Availability: Open year-round
To Apply:
- Contact Affordable Housing Alliance at 732-982-8710
- NJPowerOn Website*
More Information:
Comfort Partners
The Comfort Partners Program is a free energy conservation and education program for low-income customers of JCP&L. The program helps customers save energy and money by reducing their electric bills.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Clear Results 1-800-915-8309
More Information: Comfort Partners Program Application
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
MEAP is a federally funded program, administered by the Department of Human Resources and the Office of Home Energy Programs, that helps low-income customers pay their fuel bills. If an Energy Assistance application has been completed in the current program year and the MEAP application box has been checked, the MEAP application process has been completed and no further action is required to be considered for this program.
Program Availability: Applications taken year-round for all programs; however, benefit start dates vary per program
Contact: Office of Home Energy Programs 1-800-332-6347
More Information:
Dollar Energy Fund
The Dollar Energy Fund is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help paying their electric bill.
Program Availability: Opens October 1 and remains open until funds are exhausted
Contact: 1-800-683-7036
More Information: Application Process
Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
EUSP is a state-funded program, administered by the Department of Human Resources and the Office of Home Energy Programs, that helps low-income electric customers pay their electric bills. Help may be available whether customers have active electric service, terminated service or owe outstanding bills and are applying for new service. If an Energy Assistance application has been completed in the current program year and the EUSP application box has been checked, the EUSP application process has been completed and no further action is required to be considered for this program.
Program Availability: Applications are taken year-round for all programs; however, benefit start dates vary per program.
Contact: Office of Home Energy Programs 1-800-332-6347
More Information:
EmPOWER Low income Energy Efficiency Programs
The EmPOWER Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP), administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), helps low-income households with installation of energy conservation materials in their homes. No payment is required for these services. These improvements may reduce a household’s energy use, lower monthly utility bills, make occupants more comfortable and may improve the air quality and overall health of the family.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Housing & Building Energy Programs 1-855-583-8976
More Information: EmPOWER-Pre-Application
Utility Service Protection Program (USPP)
USPP is a federally sponsored program, administered by the Department of Human Resources and the Office of Home Energy Programs, that provides customers certain protections during the heating season. If an Energy Assistance application has been completed in the current program year and the USPP application box has been checked, the USPP application process has been completed and no further action is required to be considered for this program.
Program Availability: Applications are taken year-round for all programs; however, benefit start dates vary per program.
Contact: Office of Home Energy Programs 1-800-332-6347
More Information:
WV Emergency Assistance (EA)
Emergency Assistance, administered by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), helps eligible customers avoid termination of service. Applicants must present a disconnect notice at the county DHHR office.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: WV Department of Health & Human Resources 304-558-0684
More Information: Agency Finder
WV Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
The LIEAP program, administered by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), assists low-income customer whose primary heating source is electric or gas.
Program Availability: Typically opens in February and remains open until funds are exhausted
Contact: WV Department of Health & Human Resources 304-356-4619
More Information: LIEAP Application
WV Emergency Low Income Energy Assistance Program (E-LIEAP)
The DHHR accepts applications and awards E-LIEAP to customers who have received a termination notice after applying and qualifying for LIEAP. Applicants must provide a copy of their shut-off notice or proof of termination.
Program Availability: Typically opens in February and remains open until funds are exhausted
Contact: WV Department of Health & Human Resources 304-356-4619
More Information: Agency Finder
Universal Service Fund Program (USF)
USF, administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, provides low-income customers a payment plan to help lower the monthly cost for electric service. Participants pay a maximum percentage of their total household income for electric and natural gas.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Contact NJ211 by dialing 2-1-1
More Information:
Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus)
The Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus), administered by the Ohio Development Service Agency, gives customers the option of an extended payment arrangement based on a percentage of a customer's household income.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Ohio Development Service Agency 1-800-282-0880
More Information:
Community Energy Fund (CEF)
CEF is a need-based program that assists qualifying residential customers who need emergency help paying their electric bill.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contacts: Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs – 301-631-2670, Allegany Co. Department of Social Services – 301-784-7000, Washington Co. Community Action Council – 301-797-4161, Human Services Programs of Carroll County – 410-857-2999, Garrett Co. Community Action Committee – 301-334-9431
Lifeline provides funding for utility bills (electric and natural gas) for qualifying disabled persons and senior citizens. Customers must apply annually to receive the benefit. The Lifeline benefit pertains only to the customer's primary residence and must be in the customer's or the spouse's name. To qualify for Lifeline, your income must be less than $27,951 (single) or less than $34,268 (married).
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Lifeline hotline 1-800-792-9745
More Information: Lifeline Detail
Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Services
Customers are referred to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for programs that can provide improvements and repairs to homes at no cost. These improvements can help lower utility bills and make the home more comfortable.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: DHCD at 855-583-8976
More Information: DHCD Energy Efficiency Site*
Ohio 211
211 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need such as housing, utility assistance, employment and more.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Dial 211 from your phone
More Information:
Pennsylvania 211
211 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need such as housing, utility assistance, employment and more.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Dial 211 from your phone
More Information:
West Virginia 211
211 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need such as housing, utility assistance, employment and more.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Dial 211 from your phone
More Information:
Maryland 211
211 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need such as housing, utility assistance, employment and more.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Dial 211 from your phone
More Information:
New York 211
211 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need such as housing, utility assistance, employment and more.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Dial 211 from your phone
More Information:
New Jersey 211
211 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need such as housing, utility assistance, employment and more.
Program Availability: Open year-round
Contact: Dial 211 from your phone
More Information:*
Important Information
Customers with a household income level of 300% or below federal poverty income guidelines are considered protected customers and are eligible for special payment assistance. Protected customers may not be subject to service disconnection until March 31, 2021, as long as they contact us to provide household income information, enter into a payment arrangement, and apply for all eligible assistance programs. Disconnection activity will proceed for those customers who do not take action.
To determine your Federal Poverty Level (FPL), please see the chart below. You will need to know the number of people and the annual/monthly income within your household. If you are eligible to be protected and/or need payment assistance, contact us to provide the required information.
PA COVID Annual Income | PA COVID Monthly Income | |
Household Size | 300% of FPL | 300% of FPL |
1 | $38,280 |
$3,190 |
2 | $51,720 |
$4,310 |
3 | $65,160 |
$5,430 |
4 | $78,600 |
$6,550 |
5 | $92,040 |
$7,670 |
6 | $105,480 |
$8,790 |
7 | $118,920 |
$9,910 |
8 | $132,360 |
$11,030 |
Each Additional | $13,440 |
$1,120 |
See which payment assistance programs could help with your electric bill.
If you are struggling to make ends meet, we have ways to help pay your home electric bill on time—and get the support you need. Use the search tool below to see what assistance programs you may be eligible for.
Number Of People In Household
The number of people in your household includes anyone living in the home on a full-time basis. This would include adults and children who are not renters. The following people are NOT considered household members:
- Persons who are maintaining their living arrangements temporarily for a reason such as a visit, vacation or education.
- Those in the military, away at college, in a nursing home or a rehabilitation facility, or incarcerated in a correctional facility.
(Exception: If the household has access to a family member’s military income, it does count towards the household income and the individual is counted as a member of the household.)
Yearly Household Income Before Taxes
Maximum yearly household income before taxes includes:
- All sources of income including salaries, wages, child support, SSI, SS and SS Disability, Public Assistance, Workers Compensation, unemployment, pensions, etc.
- Any money earned by a spouse, parent, or any other person 18 years old or over, permanently residing in the home.
- The income of those students who live at home while attending school. However, do not count their income if the student is away at college or other post-secondary education institution.
- Military income, if the household has access to a family member’s military income.
Search Eligibility Programs
To explore which assistance programs might be available to you, select the number of people in your household, yearly income before taxes, state and operating company.*
*This information is for reference purposes only and does not verify eligibility for any program.
Visit the program site for more information or to apply.
Payment Assistance Programs
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
Administered by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Office of Income Maintenance; the program provides assistance to low-income customer whose primary heating source is electric or gas. The program includes LIEAP and Emergency-LIEAP (E-LIEAP) payments. The DHHR accepts applications and awards E-LIEAP to customer who have received a termination notice after applying and qualifying for LIEAP.
Help Paying Heating Bill
Dollar Energy Fund (DEF)
An emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help in paying their electric bill. The distribution of funds is administered by community-based organizations throughout the Potomac Edison’s service territory. Program funding is provided by Potomac Edison customers and FirstEnergy shareholders.
Temporary Emergency Payment Help
Emergency Assistance Program (EAP)
Administered by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) to help eligible customers avoid termination of service. Customers must present a disconnect notice at the county DHHR office. Emergency Assistance is a one-time payment that is applied to the customer's account.
Help Avoiding Service Termination
20% Energy Credit Program
Administered by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Office of Family Support, reduces low-income customers’ utility bill by 20%. Eligible customers can receive an application from the DHHR and send the completed applications to the address listed below:
Bill Reduction
211 Helpline
This nationwide resource and information helpline will identify programs in your area that may assist you or someone you know with utility bills.
Program Available Year-Round
Project REACH
Project REACH is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help in paying their electric bill. Program funding is provided by Ohio Edison customers and company employees. The distribution of funds is administered by the Salvation Army located throughout the Ohio Edison service territory.
Help Paying Your Bill
Community Outreach Opportunity Program (CO-OP)
CO-OP is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help in paying their electric bills. Program funding is provided by The Illuminating Company customers and company employees. The distribution of funds is administered by the Cleveland Salvation Army.
Temporary Payment Assistance
Ohio Fuel Grant Program
The Ohio Fuel Fund Grant Program is designed to assist residential customers with the payment of their electric bill to maintain their service, or to assist in establishing service for new electric service applicants who have an unpaid bill from a previous residence. This program support is provided through FirstEnergy corporate funds. Applicants for grant assistance must meet certain household income and other program qualification requirements. Approved grants are applied directly to utility bills.
Grant Assistance
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help in paying their electric bill. Program funding is provided by Toledo Edison customers and company employees. The distribution of funds is administered by the Toledo Salvation Army. To make a contribution to Neighbors Helping Neighbors, please complete and return this contribution form.
Emergency Hardship Fund
Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus)
The Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus program – PIPP Plus – is Ohio’s income-based payment program that helps low-income households maintain gas and electric service. PIPP Plus allows you to pay a percentage of your household income instead of the actual amount of your bill.
Pay as Low as 5-10% of Income or $10 Per Month
Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy (OPAE) Fuel Fund
OPAE Fuel Fund provides financial assistance to eligible low- to moderate-income customers to help pay their electric bills. Customers must be at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines and must apply for the HEAP or HEAP Crisis program, if available. Customer may apply for OPAE Fuel Fund, HEAP and HEAP Crisis at their local HEAP provider.
Grants and Assistance
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) through a network of energy assistance providers. HEAP provides customers help with paying winter heating bills, and occasionally summer cooling bills.
Annual Grant or Emergency Payment
Ohio 211 Help Hotline
This nationwide resource and information helpline will identify programs in your area that may assist you or someone you know with utility bills.
Program Availability
Energy Assistance Days for 2024
If you could use some help paying your electric bill, be sure to attend an energy assistance event. Representatives from multiple utilities as well as Community Action Partnership agencies are on hand for these events.
To apply for assistance, you’ll need to bring Social Security cards and proof of income for all household members, your deed or rental lease and a recent electric bill.
Check back for Energy Assistance Days for 2024. We will post the dates here when they become available.
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP/HEAP)
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps income-eligible residents with their heating and cooling bills, and makes provisions for emergency heating system services and emergency fuel assistance within the Home Energy Assistance Program.
Annual Grant and Emergency Payment Help
New Jersey Statewide Heating Assistance and Referral for Energy Services (SHARES)
SHARES is a non-profit corporation organized to provide assistance to individuals and families living in New Jersey who are in need of temporary help in paying their energy bills. This program is designed to assist customers who would otherwise have no means of assistance. A history of good faith utility payments is considered for eligibility.
JCP&L is a founding member of SHARES. Program funding is provided by JCP&L customers, company employees, and FirstEnergy shareholders. The distribution of funds is administered by community-based organizations throughout the JCP&L service territory.Temporary Bill Payment Help
Payment Assistance for Gas & Electric (PAGE)
PAGE is an annual assistance program designed to help zero- to moderate-income households across the state of New Jersey. PAGE benefits homeowners and renters who are New Jersey residents that have an electric and/or gas account that is any of the following:
Past-Due and Disconnection Assistance
Universal Service Fund Program
USF provides low-income customers a payment plan to help lower the monthly cost for electric service. Participants pay a maximum percentage of their total household income for electric and natural gas. USF is a statewide program administered by the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Fresh Start, the debt forgiveness component of USF, provides a one-time opportunity to eliminate pre-program account arrearages. There are household income and other program qualification requirements.
Debt Elimination and Monthly Bill Credits
Lifeline provides funding for utility bills (electric and natural gas) for qualifying disabled persons and senior citizens. Application must be made annually to receive the benefit. There are certain program requirements. For example, the Lifeline benefit pertains only to the customer's primary residence and must be in the customer's name - or the spouse's name.
Assistance for Utility Bills
Comfort Partners Programs
The Comfort Partners Program is a free energy conservation and education program for low-income customers of Jersey Central Power & Light. The program helps customers save energy and money by reducing their electric bills. This is done by installing energy conservation measures in the home and by educating family members on their energy and conservation choices. Participation is prioritized based on the customer's energy consumption. There are household income requirements and other program qualifications.
Energy Conservation
211 Helpline
This nationwide resource and information helpline will identify programs in your area that may assist you or someone you know with utility bills.
Program Available Year-Round
Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP) Arrearage Retirement Assistance
EUSP helps customers with large, past due electric bills. If eligible, customers may receive forgiveness of up to $2,000 towards their past due bill. Customers must have a past due bill of $300 or greater to be considered eligible. Customers may only receive an arrearage grant once every five (5) years, with certain exceptions.
Past-Due Bill Forgiveness
Utility Service Protection Plan (USPP)
This program is designed to protect eligible low-income families from utility turn-offs during the heating season due to nonpayment. All MEAP eligible customers may participate in USPP. USPP also requires participation in the Average Payment Plan.
Protection From Disconnection
Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
This bill assistance is partially funded through ratepayer funds via electricity bills, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)/ Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEIF) funds via RGGI auctions, and LIHEAP funds. This program provides financial assistance with electric bills. Eligible customers receive help that pays a portion of their current electric bills.
Payment Assistance
Community Energy Fund (CEF)
A need-based program that provides assistance to qualifying residential customers who need emergency help paying their electric bill. The company’s shareholders match donations from customers 50 cents on each dollar, up to the program limits. The distribution of funds is administered by local administering agencies in Potomac Edison’s service territory.
Emergency Payment Help
211 Helpline
This nationwide resource and information helpline will identify programs in your area that may assist you or someone you know with utility bills.
Program Available Year-Round
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
MEAP is a federally funded program, administered by the Department of Human Services and the Office of Home Energy Programs. This grant helps low-income customers pay their heating bills.
Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Services
Customers are referred to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for programs that can provide improvements and repairs to homes at no cost. These improvements can help lower utility bills and make the home more comfortable.
Home Improvements
EmPOWER Low income Energy Efficiency Programs
The EmPOWER Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP), administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), helps low-income households with installation of energy conservation materials in their homes. No payment is required for these services. These improvements may reduce a household’s energy use, lower monthly utility bills, make occupants more comfortable and may improve the air quality and overall health of the family.
Energy Conservation
Customer Assistance & Referral Evaluation Services Program (CARES)
CARES provides assistance on a short-term basis to payment-troubled residential customers who are experiencing a temporary hardship. Based upon the circumstances, company CARES representatives make referrals to social agencies and provide information on appropriate company and/or external programs.
Short-Term Assistance
Dollar Energy Fund
The Dollar Energy Fund is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help in paying their electric bill. Income guidelines apply.
Emergency Hardship Funds
Customer Assistance & Referral Evaluation Services Program (CARES)
CARES provides assistance on a short-term basis to payment-troubled residential customers who are experiencing a temporary hardship. Based upon the circumstances, company CARES representatives make referrals to social agencies and provide information on appropriate company and/or external programs.
Short-Term Assistance
WARM Program - Low Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP)
The WARM Program can help low-income customers lower electric bills and keep their homes more comfortable in the winter and summer months. It is available to homeowners and renters with landlord approval.
Energy Efficiency Improvements
Customer Assistance & Referral Evaluation Services Program (CARES)
CARES provides assistance on a short-term basis to payment-troubled residential customers who are experiencing a temporary hardship. Based upon the circumstances, company CARES representatives make referrals to social agencies and provide information on appropriate company and/or external programs.
Short-Term Assistance
Customer Assistance & Referral Evaluation Services Program (CARES)
CARES provides assistance on a short-term basis to payment-troubled residential customers who are experiencing a temporary hardship. Based upon the circumstances, company CARES representatives make referrals to social agencies and provide information on appropriate company and/or external programs.
Short-Term Assistance
211 Helpline
This nationwide resource and information helpline will identify programs in your area that may assist you or someone you know with utility bills.
Program Available Year-Round
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through its network of local county assistance offices. LIHEAP provides customers help with paying winter heating bills, and occasionally summer cooling bills. LIHEAP funds may be used to pay an electric bill even if electricity is not the main source of heat. There are household income requirements for this program.
Help Paying Bills
Pennsylvania Customer Assistance Program (PCAP)
PCAP helps residential customers maintain electric service and eliminate their past-due balance. The goal of this program is an affordable bill.
Help Maintain Electric Service
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the State of New York through its network of local district contacts. HEAP provides customers help with paying the cost of heating their homes. There are household income requirements for this program.
Help Paying Bills
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
WAP assists income-eligible homeowners and renters by reducing heating and cooling costs through energy-conservation measures, while also addressing health and safety issues in their homes.
Energy Efficiency Improvements
New York 211
This nationwide resource and information helpline will identify programs in your area that may assist you or someone you know with utility bills.
Program Available Year-Round
Energy and Water Payment Assistance
The Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) provides bill assistance to low-income households in the State of Maryland to make their energy costs more affordable and to help with the prevention of loss and the restoration of home energy service.
Trouble Paying Utility Bills
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You can view a summary of outages by county or municipality by scrolling down under the social media icons to the Summary Section. Click the “Outages by County/Municipality” link to view the information in a tabled format.
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