Rider NMB Pilot Program

Electric Security Plan V Expansion Eligibility Update

Pursuant to the Opinion and Order in Case No. 23-301-EL-SSO dated May 15, 2024, eligibility for the Non-Market-Based Services Rider (“Rider NMB”) Pilot Program was expanded to additional customers.  Following the Finding and Orders dated December 18, 2024, and January 22, 2025, in Case No. 14-1297-EL-SSO,  the expansion of the Rider NMB Pilot program eligibility has ended effective February 1, 2025. 
To enroll in the Rider NMB Pilot program under this expanded eligibility, customers must: 

  • Have entered into a CRES contract facilitating participation in the pilot program before February 1, 2025; and  
  • Provide written notice to FirstEnergy confirming the contract.  

If a customer does not meet both conditions above, they will no longer be eligible to participate in the Rider NMB Pilot program in ESP IV.