Montville-Whippany Reinforcement Project

The Montville – Whippany Reinforcement Project is a proposed 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission line that will connect existing electric substations in East Hanover and Montville to enhance service reliability, add redundancy and meet the growing demand for power in northern New Jersey.

The project is part of JCP&L’s Energizing the Future initiative, multi-year reliability program designed to enhance the transmission system throughout its service area. JCP&L is constructing the project in response to directives from PJM Interconnection, the regional electric grid operator, which has notified JCP&L to address reliability issues.

JCP&L worked with local residents and officials to establish a proposed route for this line that will minimize impact to residents, businesses, schools and the environment. JCP&L will utilize an existing transmission corridor along most of the route, which will reduce the line’s overall impact on communities and property owners.

By adding an additional 230-kV line into the Montville substation, this line can reroute energy in the event of a transmission disruption of during period of great demand to help reduce the frequency and duration of outages.

When completed, the new line will afford JCP&L greater flexibility for rerouting power and bringing additional electrical capacity to the area.

Project Documents


A Green Acres Scoping Hearing was held on April 24, 2019 for a diversion of a portion of property owned by the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills (Block 621, Lot 24).  The presentation and the maps from that hearing are attached below:


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