New Jersey Vegetation Management

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has established vegetation management requirements to be carried out by the utilities it regulates. The New Jersey Administrative Code 14:5-9.7 requires that New Jersey utilities shall not allow woody plants that naturally mature above three feet tall to grow in the wire zone (the area of the transmission right-of-way floor directly under the transmission conductors and extending to about 10' on each side). The wire zone is managed to sustain a community of low growing forbs, grasses, herbs, and shrubs. 

Our most recent Tree Trimming Around Power Lines brochure is available on our bill inserts page.

View 2025 transmission vegetation management schedules:

Vegetation Manager Contact Information

Bob Wolf – Manager, Forestry Services
101 Crawford Corner Rd.
Suite 1-511
Holmdel, NJ 07733

Katrina Schnobrich - Transmission Vegetation Management Manager
2800 Pottsville Pike Rd.
P.O. Box 16001
Reading, PA 19612

Current Transmission Easement Language

"Said right and easement shall include the right of the Grantee, its successors and assigns, at all times to enter upon the right of way occupied by said transmission lines for the purpose of constructing, inspecting, protecting, repairing or removing said towers, wires, fixtures and appliances, together with full authority, at Grantee's sole discretion, to trim, remove or clear by any means including the use of herbicides any or all trees, underbrush, and any natural or man-made structures or obstructions located upon or within said right of way. Grantee may further trim or remove any or all trees adjacent to said right of way as, in the sole judgment of Grantee, may interfere with or endanger said lines or appurtenances when erected or at any time thereafter. The parties hereto acknowledge that any discretionary right of Grantee to trim, remove and/or clear any trees, underbrush, and any natural or man-made structures or obstructions, as set forth herein, does not create or place a duty upon Grantee to do so, or shift any duty owed by Grantor to any third party and/or the general public to the Grantee."

Typical Configurations of Transmission Structures

Transmission Structures


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