Saxton-Shade Gap 115-kV Transmission Line Tap to Texas Eastern Project

Based on information we received, the customer (Texas Eastern) has decided not to pursue the project at this time. FirstEnergy is not aware if the customer has any plans to bring back the project.


Public comments will be considered as part of MAIT’s further evaluation of routing alternatives that will be presented in an application to filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for approval.  If you have comments or questions please feel free to view the information available on the website and reach out to leave a message for the project team at 1-888-311-4737 or send an email to Written comments or questions about the Project will also be accepted and can be addressed to: Attention Saxton-Shade Gap 115-kV Transmission Line Tap to Texas Eastern Project Team, 76 S. Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308.