Hanna-Highland 345 kV Transmission Line Loop to Trumbull Substation Project. Case No. 24-0440-EL-BNR 

In this project, ATSI is proposing to construct an approximately 500 foot long 345-kV transmission line loop from the existing Hanna-Highland 345-kV transmission line to the new Trumbull Substation, a-3-breaker ringbus switchyard which is currently under construction by Clean Energy Future-Trumbull LLC (OPSB Case No. 23-0757-EL-BLN). Once the substation construction is complete ownership will be transferred to ATSI. The proposed 345-kV transmission line loop will require the removal of one (1) existing structure and the addition of two (2) proposed new structures. The project is in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio.

Project Documents

A paper copy of the application can be supplied within 5 business days upon request at no more than the cost of printing and shipping.  Request for a paper copy can be made by contacting the transmission project hotline at 1-800-589-2837 or by email. The project name and Case Number (24-0440-EL-BLN) should be referenced in all communications.