Galion-Ontario 138-kV Transmission Line Switch Structures Installation Project (OPSB Case No. 25-0027-EL-BNR)

In this Project, ATSI is proposing to modify the existing Galion-Ontario 138 kV Transmission Line to create a transmission line tap to a new customer substation. The transmission line tap will be created by installing three (3) new single-steel monopole switch structures on concrete foundations on the existing Galion-Ontario 138 kV Transmission Line. The existing conductors and shield wire will be transferred to the new structures. The Project is in the city of Ontario, Richland County, Ohio.

Project Documents

A paper copy of the application can be supplied within five business days upon request at no more than the cost of printing and shipping. Request for a paper copy can be made by contacting the transmission project hotline at 1 888-311-4737 or by email. Please reference the project name and case number (25-0027-EL-BNR) in all communications.