WARM Information

Need Help Lowering Your Electric Bill?

The WARM Program can help you lower your electric bill and keep your home more comfortable in the winter and summer months.  No payment is required for these services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of the WARM program?

    Customers participating in WARM:

  • Receive an in-home energy usage evaluation
  • Work with a trained energy educator to create an energy-savings plan
  • Have the opportunity to receive energy-saving home improvements installed in the home (see below for details)
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What are the energy-saving home improvements?

Depending on how much electricity you use each month, the WARM Program could provide you with energy-saving home improvements such as:

  • Attic and/or wall insulation
  • Caulking and weather-stripping
  • Refrigerator/freezer testing and possible replacement
  • Electric water heater inspection
  • Energy-saving light bulbs
  • Replacement of inefficient window/wall air conditioners

The specific improvements that you are eligible to receive will be determined during your home energy evaluation. No payment is required for these installations/services.

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How do I know if I qualify for WARM?

To be eligible for this program, you must have:

  • Average electric usage of at least 375 kWh per month
  • A gross (before tax) household income at or below 200% of 2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines

Eligibility Guidelines

Household Size Maximum Yearly
Household Income Before Taxes
1  $31,300
2  $42,300
3  $53,300
4  $64,300
5  $75,300
6  $86,300
7  $97,300
8  $108,300
For each additional person, add $11,000
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How do I apply for WARM?

You can apply for WARM by:

  1. Calling the Dollar Energy Fund at 1-888-282-6816 or
  2. Completing the online form or paper applications 

If you rent your home you will need to print, complete, and submit the landlord agreement form or formulario de acuerdo de propietario.

Further instructions are contained on both the online form and paper applications.

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What proof of income is required?

The agency representative will ask you to provide proof of your household income. You will be required to provide copies of the following:

  • Your most recent Household Income Tax Return(s)
  • Copies of pay stubs for all working members in your household for the last 30 days
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What other help is available?

The agency representative will also be able to:

  • Refer you to other FirstEnergy assistance programs, such as PCAP, if you need help with your electric bill
  • Refer you to government assistance programs such as LIHEAP, State Weatherization, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-the food stamps program, DPW Cash Assistance, etc.
  • Refer you to other utility assistance programs
  • Refer you to community organizations that can help with other needs such as food pantry information, prescription assistance, etc.
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I do qualify for WARM. What's next?

The agency who processed your application will notify FirstEnergy that you qualify for WARM. FirstEnergy will assign your job to our WARM contractor located in your area. The contractor will contact you to schedule an appointment for the initial home evaluation and energy education visit. It may take a few months until you receive this call due to the large number of WARM customers that we serve.

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