ENERGY STAR for New Homes

Potomac Edison is proud to partner with the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction program to promote energy efficiency in the residential market and to capture long-term peak and energy demand savings.

ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments are designed and constructed to be significantly more energy efficient than those built to code, while lowering homeowner utility bills and providing superior comfort, quality, and durability. Homes built to the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements are designed to be at least 10% more energy efficient than homes built to code and achieve a 20% improvement on average.

Homebuilders: Expand your business and get cash back!

When you become a Program Partner, you will establish yourself an industry leader and receive rebates for every eligible ENERGY STAR® certified home. The New Homes Program also offers homebuilders the following benefits:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction – ENERGY STAR certified homes typically have fewer homeowner complaints and callbacks.
  • Training from Potomac Edison on the technical aspects of constructing ENERGY STAR certified homes, including those related to Version 3.1 and 3.2 of the EPA guidelines.
  • You’ll receive ENERGY STAR marketing materials, as well as assistance from a Potomac Edison account manager.

Participating builders can receive rebates for each home constructed in the Potomac Edison service territory that meets the requirements set by EPA for the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Program.

Homes certified to ENERGY STAR Version 3.1 with 100 percent LED Lighting installed, are eligible for the following incentives:

House Type/ Additive Measures

Rebate Amount

Single-Family Detached Home


Townhouse or Duplex


Two-on-Two Condo


Multifamily Low Rise Unit


Multifamily High Rise Unit


High Efficiency Central Air Conditioner


High Efficiency Heat Pump


HVAC Grading


Heat Pump Water Heater


ENERGY STAR Certified Thermostat 


Homes certified to ENERGY STAR Version 3.2 with 100 percent LED Lighting installed, are eligible for the following incentives:

House Type/ Additive Measures

Rebate Amount

Single-Family Detached Home


Townhouse or Duplex


Two-on-Two Condo


Multifamily Low Rise Unit


Multifamily High Rise Unit


High Efficiency Central Air Conditioner


High Efficiency Heat Pump


HVAC Grading


Heat Pump Water Heater


ENERGY STAR Certified Thermostat 


NextGen All-Electric New Home**



**Cannot be combined with other added measures (e.g. SF detached home that meets NextGen will receive $1,950 + $2,000 = $3,950)

Submit your Homebuilder Participation Agreement and Rebate Application today!*

HERS Raters: Support your homebuilder clients and gain business!

To qualify for Program rebates, participating homebuilders must work with RESNET-accredited HERS Raters who are partners with the EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Program as well as approved participants in the Potomac Edison New Homes Program.  Support your existing homebuilder clients and gain new clients by becoming a program participant!

Submit your HERS Rater Participation Agreement today!*

For More Information:


*By clicking this link you are leaving the FirstEnergy website and entering a website maintained by a third party. The third party is entirely responsible for the content of their website.


EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. Learn more about EmPOWER Maryland.

By participating in these energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs, customers agree to allow their utility to retain ownership of all Capacity Rights which refers to the demand reduction associated with any energy efficiency and peak demand reduction measure for which incentives were provided by the Company. Your utility will aggregate these energy efficiency demand reduction attributes into the PJM capacity market with proceeds being used to offset the program costs.