Outage Assistance

Whether because of car-pole accidents or forces of nature such as high winds, lightning, or winter storms, there are times when your power goes out. When an outage happens, our service crews - and employees who support them - do their best to restore power as soon as possible.

To obtain an update on current power outages in your state, please click:

Outage maps are updated about every 15 minutes.
Reporting your outage helps us restore power more quickly. If you have a communication disability, you can contact us through the appropriate text telephone (TTY/TDD) relay service.

Any time you see a downed power line, stay away from the line and anything it is touching. As a matter of public safety, please report a downed line to us immediately.

When major outages occur, you can get information about our power restoration efforts through our releases to news media and Twitter

And while we cannot predict where or when disruptions of electric service will occur, we can help you be prepared to get through an outage more easily and safely.

We also can explain how we restore power when an outage occurs and answer common questions you may have about outages.