Potomac Edison Encourages Customers to Arrange Payment Plans and Apply for Bill Assistance Programs

Bill Assistance Programs Available

Programs can help alleviate growing balances for customers having financial difficulty

WILLIAMSPORT, Md., Jan. 17, 2023 -- Residential customers of Potomac Edison, a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), who are having difficulty making ends meet are encouraged to contact their utility now to enroll in payment plans or to receive referrals for bill assistance programs.

"Many of our customers continue to face financial challenges due to ongoing economic uncertainty," said Linda Moss, president of Maryland Operations for FirstEnergy. "With winter in full swing, I encourage customers who have fallen behind on their bills to contact us as soon as possible so that a member of our team can review their options with them."

Programs customers may be eligible to participate in include:

  • The Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP): Eligible customers can receive financial assistance to help pay their electric bill and may also receive arrearage forgiveness. To apply, visit mydhrbenefits.dhr.state.md.us or call the Maryland Department of Human Services at 800-332-6347.
  • The Utility Service Protection Program (USPP): This program protects families with incomes less than 175% of federal poverty guidelines from utility shut-offs during the heating season. To apply, visit mydhrbenefits.dhr.state.md.us or call the Maryland Department of Human Services at 800-332-6347.
  • The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP): This program provides assistance with home heating bills. Customers must live at the address served and earn less than 175% of federal poverty guidelines. To apply, visit mydhrbenefits.dhr.state.md.us or call the Maryland Department of Human Services at 800-332-6347.
  • 2-1-1 Helpline: This nationwide resource and information helpline identifies locally available programs that may assist customers with utility bills or other needs. For more information dial 2-1-1, text your ZIP code to 898211 or visit the 2-1-1 website.

For a complete list of assistance programs for which customers may be eligible, including installment payment plans and budget billing, please visit www.firstenergycorp.com/billassist or call customer service at 800-686-0011.

Potomac Edison serves about 275,000 customers in all or parts of Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Howard, Montgomery, and Washington counties and 151,000 customers in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. Follow Potomac Edison at www.potomacedison.com, on Twitter @PotomacEdison, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/PotomacEdison.

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its 10 electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Follow FirstEnergy online at www.firstenergycorp.com. Follow FirstEnergy on Twitter: @FirstEnergyCorp.


Contact: Hannah Catlett, (440) 554-5346

Last Modified: January 17, 2023