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Due to an unexpected high volume of inquires response times may be delayed. We appreciate your patience during this time.
If you have a more specific question or require additional assistance, please complete the form below. We will make every attempt to respond to your email within two business days. Do not use this form to report a power outage. Call 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877) or report your outage online.
We have enhanced customers' self-service experience by enabling them to respond to the IVR in their own words for assistance. Our Natural Language Interactive Voice Response System (NL/IVR) is available 24 hours, seven days a week and enables customers to easily interact with the IVR. Click here for some common requests.
Our Customer Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Customers with hearing or speech impairments - contact the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) at 711.
Operating Company | Contact Number |
Ohio Edison |
1-800-633-4766 |
The Illuminating Company | 1-800-589-3101 |
Toledo Edison |
1-800-447-3333 |
Met-Ed | 1-800-545-7741 |
Penelec | 1-800-545-7741 |
Penn Power | 1-800-720-3600 |
West Penn Power |
1-800-686-0021 |
Jersey Central Power & Light |
1-800-662-3115 |
Mon Power |
1-800-686-0022 |
Potomac Edison |
1-800-686-0011 |
Natural Language Interactive Voice Response System (NL/IVR)
Customers are able to respond to the NL/IVR in their own words, rather than having to reply with specific words or phrases. Below are some common requests.
Keywords |
Action |
Power Outage | Report an outage |
Make a Payment | Pay your bill |
Billing Information | Obtain billing and account information |
Meter Reading | Supply or obtain a meter reading |
Customer Choice | FAQs, opt off request, and usage report |
Smart Meter | Information about Smart Meter Programs |
Payment Plans | Installment Plans and Promise to Pay |
Shut Off Notice | Payment options to stop service disconnection |
Start Service | Start your service |
End Service | Stop your service |
Transfer Service | Transfer your service from one address to another |
FirstEnergy News | Obtain news releases, storm updates, and safety tips |